Legal Notice:

Only customers, suppliers, and employees of WebBill Solutions with proper authorization may access the WebBill Solutions web site. Any unauthorized use and/or entry to this site may violate civil and criminal law. Whoever intentionally accesses this site without proper authorization or with fraudulent access devices may be in violation of 18 United States Code 1029 (1998). Any such unauthorized entry and/or use of a fraudulent access device may subject a guilty party to civil legal action, as well as criminal penalties including forfeitures, and imprisonment not exceeding 20 years. Any use of this site without authorized access and/or use exceeding authorization may be in violation of 18 United States Code 1030 (1998). Unauthorized access with the intent to defraud or obtain information of commercial value may be subject to civil legal action and/or criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment not exceeding 20 years.